Terms and Conditions

We strive to make every detail regarding our products and the purchase process as clear as possible. If we have not answered your question, please contact us.

Shipping Policy

The timeline for delivery from the moment you make your order until the product reaches your home takes approximately 14 days. That timeline includes processing time and shipping time. If you make your order during a holiday or if we encounter any delays, we will notify you.

Return/Refund Policy

We run an honest business, we strive to keep the cost low, therefore, effectively pass down the saving to you, our customer. We do not support return/refund of any product. Thank you for your kind understanding.

Order Cancellation

Cancellation of preorder/long lead-time products is free for the first 48 hours from the date the order was originally placed. After that, a cancellation fee of 4.5% may apply. Once the order is processed and shipped, the order can no longer be cancelled.

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